What is the right approach? Fred and Jane are married. Fred dies. Three years later, using Fred’s sperm, Jane has a child, Rebecca. Should Rebecca, a so-called “posthumous child,” receive Fred’s Social Security benefits? An interesting article in the August 3, 2010, edition of the Wall Street Journal (page A3) reviews the state of fertility and the payment of survivor benefits. The states are all over the place. In Washington, I see at least two statutes referring to a posthumous child and benefits (one from industrial insurance and another in the civil service pension area). Where should the law fall?
We tested the equipment for the upcoming weekly radio “broadcast” and most of it is up and running. Watch for segments on defending the Green River Killer, a conversation with the Washington State Auditor, credit issues, and more. We will have a live broadcast every Wednesday, from 3 to 5 PM (Pacific time), with a podcast version available soon afterwards. Let us know about topics you’d like to hear discussed. Feel free to e-mail us with your legal questions or topics of conern.