If you haven’t done a living will, your loved ones will have to guess about your wishes if you are ever in a vegetative state or terminal condition with absolutely no hope of recovery. Your loved ones will have a very difficult time, may argue with each other, and then feel guilty about their decision. In the worst of circumstances, a Judge may have to decide your fate. Remember the Terry Schiavo case out of Florida?
Here is a link to a free Washington State Living Will: http://washingtonlawhelp.org/documents/1543019501EN.pdf?stateabbrev=/wa/
You have no excuse for not doing a Living Will.
Now that you have your living will in place, sit down and write a letter to your loved ones to tell them what is important to you if you are in a terminal condition. Give them some guidance.
Let us know your thoughts on end of life issues and leave your comments for others to read.